M0roC0's Top Albums and EPs from 2013 + Honorable Mentions

So I was gonna dissect every single album I picked and sort of explain why they made it here but its gonna take me forever not to mention I'd have to do it in English and Spanish. So instead I will only include preview links to each pick and of course all of the albums / EPs listed here can be found and downloaded right here on the site. I had a very very hard time narrowing this down, 2013 gave us a lot and I mean A LOT of good music as well as a taste of whats to come for 2014 (Aversions Crown/Volumes/Veil of Maya/Lorelei) but in the end these are my picks for 2013 and they are based solely on my personal opinion some of these are masterpieces to the full extent of the word, others I just couldn't get off my playlist and found myself always coming back to listen to them. Without further ado here are my picks for top albums and EPs from 2013.
Asi que iva a explicar a detalle un poco acerca de los albums y tambien explicar a grandes rasgos como es que formule esta lista pero la verdad eso me tomaria muchisimo tiempo, muchos de ustedes ni atencion le pondrian y ademas tengo que poner todo en Ingles y Español asi que lo que are mejor es solo incluir un link de "preview" para cada album/EP y por supuesto que todo lo que esta aqui se puede encontrar y descagar aqui mismo en el blog. La verdad batalle bastante escogiendo esta lista y pues es bueno, el ya pasado 2013 nos dio muchisima buena musica y tambien nos dio provaditas de lo que se viene para el 2014 (Aversions Crown/Volumes/Veil of Maya/Lorelei) pero al final de el dia estos son los albums/EPs que en mi opinion marcaron dicho año. Muchos de los albums aqui son verdaderas obras de arte y otros simplemente estan aqui porque continuamente regresava a escucharlos de tanto que los disfrutava. Sin mas ni menos les presento mi lista de los mejores albums y EPs que nos dejo el 2013.

 Top 2013 Albums

Ovid's Withering - Scryers Of The Ibis

Shadow Of The Colossus - End Game

Serpents - Born of Ishtar

Rings Of Saturn - Dingir

Sever The King - Traitor

 Shores Of Elysium - Entity In The Void
Being - Anthropocene

ERRA - Augment

 The Bridal Procession - Descent Into Arcologies

Wrath Of Vesuvius - Revelation

Aristeia - Demoralization Of The Luminary

 Subscale - The Last Submission

Humanity's Last Breath - Self-Titled [EP]

Xehanort - Awaken In a Different Dimension

The Storm Picturesque - Arrival

 Honorable Mentions

Arbiter - Ironclad/Machinations
 P R E V I E W
 Lifeforms - Multidimensional

The Schoenberg Automaton - Vela 

Science Of Sleep - Exhaust

 Top 2013 [EP]s

Bleeding Reason - Infinity Bloodshed [EP]
 P R E V I E W

Fallujah - Nomadic [EP]

Still Falling - The Three Suns [EP]

Kardashev - excipio [EP]

 Dethrone The Sovereign - Autocracy Dismantled [EP]

A Thousand Times Over - The Candlelight [EP]

Lorna Shore - Maleficium [EP]

 Apache - Venom [EP]

 Even Marea - Devean [EP]

Delusions Of Grandeur - Efficacy [EP]

I Invent - Chasm [EP]

Evolves - Revelations [EP]

V3ctors - Physis [EP]

Stories - Void [EP]
 P R E V I E W

 Blue Beam Project - The Spirit Molecule [EP]

 Honorable Mentions

Treasure The Moment - Equilibrium [EP]

Entities - Luminosty (Resmatered) [EP]

Bring Me Solance - The Sightless Inquisition [EP]

Towers - Into The Void [EP]
 There is a bunch of stuff I would have loved to include on here honestly but I just didn't have space and I didn't want this to turn into a top 50 of each, it of course goes without saying that EVERYTHING I upload and share is on here because I enjoy it and I feel it needs to be shared; to all the bands that I have ever featured wanted or unwanted THANKYOU and of course to all you guys that keep supporting what I do, some have us bookmarked some as home page and it truly is an honor, for that and a bunch of other things you all do to show support THANKS! It's been just over 2 yrs (12/28/13 the site turned 2yrs) of being online and the response from everyone has been amazing I can only hope that we keep growing as a community and thanks for hanging in there with me even when a full month goes without me updating at times. Keep an eye on this we aren't going anywhere and I cant wait to share with you guys another year! lml
Existen muchisimos albums mas que me hubiera encantado incluir en esta lista pero la verdad  ya no tenia espacio y tampoco queria que esto se volviera un top 50 de cada categoria, va sin mencionar que TODA la musica que comparto con ustedes aqui me gusta y por eso la comparto. A todas las bandas que eh "posteado" (quieran o no) MUCHAS GRACIAS y por supuesto a todos ustedes que siguen apoyando lo que hago por aqui, muchos de ustedes nos tienen en sus pestañas de favoritos otro nos tienen como pagina pricipal y la verdad que es un honor, por eso y una infinidad mas de cosas con las que demuestran su apoyo GRACIAS! Apenas va poquito mas de 2 años de echo 12/28/13 el sitio cumplio 2 años en la web y con el poco tiempo que llevamos la respuesta de ustedes a sido increible; gente de todas parte de el mundo nos visita y solo espero que esta comunidad siga creciendo. Gracias de nuevo por el aguante con todo y que aveces pasa hasta 1 mes sin actualizaciones ustedes siempre estan a la espectativa. No puedo esperar las sorpresas que este 2014 nos entregara y mucho menos puedo esperar a compartirlas con ustedes! lml

- M0roC0
  • M0roC0's Top Albums and EPs from 2013 + Honorable Mentions
  • M0roC0
  • Wednesday, January 1, 2014