Villains - Freudian Slip (2014)

The level on the composition is just AMAZING Downtempo that NEVER feels boring or repetitive. / El nivel de composicion viene de una dimension alterna Downtempo que nunca se escucha repetitivo ni aburrido. Secillamente...

Vilis - Death || Mortem [Single] (2014)

Nevermind,  I do miss Colin. . . / Porque dejo de cantar Colin. . . Deathcore/Hardcore/Downtempo P R E V I E W D O W N L O A D F A C E B O O K...

ERRA - Moments Of Clarity [EP] (2014)

I like it but I dont think its their best,  not even close. Vocal contrast is TOO much. / Esta bueno pero en mi opinion deja que desear, no es su mejor trabajo. El contraste en las voces es MUY grande en mi opinion. Progressive/Technical/Melodic/Metalcore/Groove P...

APEX - Follow The Buzzards [Single] (2014)

DamnProgressive/Technical/Deathcore P R E V I E W D O W N L O A D F A C E B O O...

Barrier - Omega [Single] (2014)

Another single from Barrier I actually have high expectations for this release despite them loosing Colin. David is a HELL of a vocalist. / Otro sencillo de Barrier y la verdad tengo muchas expectativas por este album...

Destroying The Shapes - Souls [Single] (2014)

Here we have another single from the anticipated debut [EP] from Mexican metalcore act Destroying the Shapes. / Aqui tenemos otro sencillo de el anticipado [EP] por parte de la banda Juarense Destroying The Shapes. Progressive/Melodic/Hardcore/Metalcore/Groove P...

Witness Of Decay - The Nightmare [Single] (2014)

SO MUCH Dahlia!!! These guys hail from Durango MX and are getting ready to release a pretty BEAST album keep an eye out. In the meantime enjoy this new single! / Los hijos perdidos de la Dahlia!!!! Este grupo de musicos...

Limerance - Fictional Mechanism [Single] (2014)

Finally after what seemed forever these guys have gotten around to dropping a BRAND NEW single produced by my bud Derek Moffat at 608 Studios. HEAVY The Faceless influences. Look out for their [EP] sometime early 2015....

Skyharbor - Guiding Lights (2014)

This is probably gonna be AOTY (Overall) for me, thats how good I think this is. / Este probablemente sera el album de el año para mi (tomando TODO en cuenta) Asi de bueno pienso que es este album. Progressive/Melodic/Metal/Djent P...

Aversions Crown - Tyrant (2014)

ITS FUCKING HERE / YA LLEGO >:] Progressive/Technical/Deathcore/Death Metal P R E V I E W D O W N L O A D (Updated 320kbps) F A C E B O O...

NOVARCHY - Natural Guidance [Single] (2014)

Simple, if you enjoy ERRA you'll enjoy this. / Simple, si te gusta ERRA te va a gustar esto.Progressive/Metalcore P R E V I E W D O W N L O A D F A C E B O O...

Egoist - Gone [Single] (2014)

Getting a HUGE Volumes vibe from this. / Escucho un CHINGO de influencia de Volumes. Progressive/Metalcore/Groove P R E V I E W D O W N L O A D F A C E B O O K...